Friday, December 12, 2014

Computer art

Computer art dates back to 1956-1958. 
Computer art can be an image, sound, animation, video, or a gallery installation.
The first image of computer art was a human being on a computer screen which was a pin up girl at a SAGE air defense installation. The first two exhibitions of computer art were held on February 1965 and April 1965. The majority of the first computer artists were engineers an scientists because they were the only ones access to computers. 
Drawing machine 1: Desmond Paul Henry (1960)

Joseph Nechvatal (2004) 

painting styles

consists of colors and shapes to represent feelings. A famous abstract artists is Jackson Pollock

uses many geometric shapes
A famous cubism artist Is George Braque.

Art based on the feel of the object rather than what it looks like. A famous expressionist artist is Edvard Munch.

Little detail, bold color.
A famous impressionist artist is Claude Monet. 

Many dots of paint making up one picture. A famous pointillism artist is Paul Seurat. 

Pop Art-  (popular art)
Popular everyday objects and bright colors. Pop art is inspired by popular entertainment, Ads, and comic strips. 
A famous pop art artist is Andy Warhol.

Post Impressionism-
Excessive color and shadows to make up a landscape portrait. A famous post impressionist artist is Vincent Van Gogh.

Shows exactly how an object looks. A famous realism artist is Leonardo Da Vinci. 

Strange and mysterious. This artwork is unlike the real world. A famous surrealism artist is Max Ernest. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Ancient Art History

Stone Age (c.2,500,000 BCE)

Paleolithic Art (c.2,500,000- 10,000 BCE)

Mesolithic Art (c.10,000- 4,000 BCE)

Neolithic Art (c.4,000- 2,000 BCE)

Bronze Age (c.3,000- 1,200 BCE)

Egyptian Art (from 3,100 BCE)

Minoan Art (c.1,600 BCE)

Iron Age (c.1,500- 200 BCE)

Mycenean Art (c.1,400-1,000 BCE)

Celtic Art (c.500 BCE- c.17 CE)

Classical Greek Art (c.500-323 BCE)

Art of Ancient Rome (c.200 BCE- 400 CE)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

H. R. Giger

Hans Rudolf Giger was born on February 5, 1940 in Chur, Switzerland and Died on May 12, 2014 in Zurich, Switzerland.  

H. R. Giger is my favorite artist, his profession is surrealist painter, he is also an immaculate sculptor and designer. He is most known for his art work in the movie Alien 


Facts about H. R. Giger:

 1. "His design for the 'Alien' was inspired by his painting Necronom IV and won him an oscar in 1980." - Giger (dot) com

2. "His most distinctive stylistic innovation was that of a representation of human bodies and machines in a cold, interconnected relationship, which he described as 'biomechanical'." - Giger (dot) com

3.  He applied his biomechanical artwork to interior designs.

4. "For most of his career, Giger had worked predominantly in airbrush, creating monochramatic canvases depicting surreal, nightmarish dreamscapes."  -Giger (dot) com

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Masked Artist- Banksy

Banksy is an English graffiti artist, a political activsit, and a painter disguised with a false name. 

Banksy is believed to have been born in Bristol,England around 1974. His identity is uknown but people suggest he could be a man called Robin Gunningham who is an artist him self and also born in Bristol, England and moved to London around 2000 which fits in with Banksy's timeline. He began his street art career in the early 1990's, in Bristol's graffiti gang DryBreadZ Crew. At first he was large with free hand but then switched over to stencil for the most part. With using stencil his work became extensively popular and his signature style developed. His work often reflected on political themes, satirically critiquing war, capitalism, 
hypocrisy, and greed.

Involving rats, apes, policemen, members of the royal family and childeren in his art work. Banksy quickly became famous worldwide and his art work changed from being vandalism to sought-after high art pieces. In October 2013, Banksy fled to New York City and promised to make new art work every day of his residency. Banksy said "The plan is to live here, react to things,see the sights, and
 paint on them. Some of it will be pretty elaborate, and some will just be a scrawl on a toilet wall."

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Famous Surrealist Painters

1.)  Salvador Dali- Surrealist painter born in Figueres, Spain.      May 11,1904- January 23, 1989

The Persistance of Memory, 1931. Dali's Most Famous Painting.

Dali was encouraged to paractice his art at an early age. In 1916 Dali's parents sent him to drawing school at the Colegio de Hermanos Maristas and the instituto in Figueres, Spain.
In 1920 he went to Paris and interacted with artists such as Picasso, Magritte, and Miro. That led Dali to his first Surrealist Phase.

2.) Pablo Picasso- sculpter, printmaker, ceramicist, and famous painter born in Malaga, Spain. October 25, 1881- April 8, 1973

The Old Guitarist 1908

At 14 years old Picasso moved to Barcelona, Spain with his family and enrolled in the city's prestigous school of fine arts, he was admitted in for his extroadinary talent, Picasso began to skip class and rome around sketching Barcelona. At 16 years of age Picasso moved to madrid and attended the Royal Academy of San Fernando. Picasso began to skip class to paint what he observed once again. in 1899 Picasso moved back to Barcelona where he met a crowd of artists and intelectuals who inspired Picasso to forget about the classical methods he was taught and do surrealism.